The National Curriculum

In Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2) and Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6), all children follow the National Curriculum

The National Curriculum consists of core and foundation subjects.

Children must take part in all National Curriculum lessons, however parents are entitled to request their child is removed from lessons in religious education, collective worship and parts of relationship and sex education - unless these are statutory by law. If a parent or carer wishes to withdraw their child, they must put it in writing and then meet with the head teacher to discuss the decision.

DfE The National Curriculum in England

The Arnhem Wharf Curriculum Nursery - Year 6

Our curriculum is designed and developed for  the children and community of Arnhem Wharf.  It is planned to ensure  that  children  become metacognitive and self-regulated learners, acquire a breadth and depth of knowledge and skill appropriate for today’s world, and most significantly, understand themselves and have a confidence that will ensure they continue as lifelong learners.

Topics are led by history, geography or science, focussing on an enquiry question to guide our learning and developing the skills specific to these different disciplines.  Learning is mapped for progression, each unit in every subject building on the learning that has gone before and linked across disciplines where appropriate.  Our curriculum encourages creativity, reflected in the value we place on the expressive arts and is underpinned by a clear and rigorous focus on progression in core skills of literacy and numeracy which are taught explicitly, embedded and applied across other areas.

As a Rights Respecting School, our curriculum reflects the values of the Universal Rights of the Child; the Sustainable Development Goals and fundamental values that include respect, tolerance and democracy: these bring a focus on local and global issues of equality and sustainability in the 21st Century.  Children’s voices are valued and encouraged: opportunities for children to articulate their views or opinions are planned for across all subjects.

The curriculum is further enriched with whole school fortnights and unforgettable experiences planned into learning across the school.  In 2022 - 2023 whole school fortnights focus on identity, traditional tales, modern foreign languages and enterprise projects.

All children have access to high quality arts and sports experiences.  Alongside class teachers, we employ specialist teachers, who bring high levels of expertise.

Curriculum Overview Nursery -Year 6 

If you have any specific enquiries about the curriculum that are not covered by the Overview or the Topic Letters, please contact us on 

 Rights Respecting Schools

Our curriculum is driven by The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and by the Sustainable Development Goals. We are proud to have achieved the Gold Rights Respecting Schools Award - an award granted by Unicef UK to schools that have fully embedded children’s rights throughout the school in its policies, practice and ethos.


This is the highest stage of the award and (by the time of awarding in July 2019) has been achieved by fewer than 500 schools across the country. We work hard to embed the Rights of the Child in everything we do, making sure all children are knowledgeable of their rights and can discuss their importance.

Core subjects:

Core-Subjects (ID 1005)


  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science



Foundation Subjects:

Foundation-Subjects-Gallery (ID 1006)


  • Art and Design
  • Computing
  • Design and Technology
  • Geography
  • History
  • Music
  • Oracy
  • Physical Education
  • Pupil Voice
  • Religious Education
  • Spanish



End of Year Expectations in Reading, Writing & Maths 

Year 1 End of Year Expectations 

Year 2 End of Year Expectations 

Year 3 End of Year Expectations 

Year 4 End of Year Expectations 

Year 5 End of Year Expectations 

Year 6 End of Year Expectations 


Topic Letters can be found HERE


Link to Policies Page