School Council

We have a school council with representatives from each class in Year 1 to Year 6.

The council’s aim is to enable the children to make a positive contribution to the way in which the school functions. The children’s ideas and concerns are listened to and the meetings are minuted and shared with the rest of the school. Children’s views are taken seriously and acted upon where possible.


The school council have spearheaded initiatives such as reducing plastic waste used in school, which lead to a change in how sandwiches were packaged for school trips and the elimination of single use water bottles.

Some of our representatives also spoke at the Tower Hamlets Council meeting on 18th September 2019 to present their petition for help making the roads outside the school safer.

In December 2017, the school council met with Jim Fitzpatrick MP to pass on the school's thoughts about supporting refugee children in being reunited with their families.