
KS1 Outcomes 2022

Subject / Area  2022 Results
Arnhem Wharf
National Average 
Reading % at expected 83% 67%
Reading % at greater depth 45%
Writing % at expected 70% 58%
Writing % at greater depth 26%
Maths % at expected 73% 68%
Maths % at greater depth  28%
Science  93%

KS2 Outcomes 2022 

Subject / Area  2022 Results 
Arnhem Wharf
National Average
Reading % at expected 72% 74%
Writing % at expected  72% 69%
Spelling, punctuation and grammar % at expected 69% 72%
Maths % at expected 72% 71%
Combined reading, writing and maths % at expected 61% 59%
Reading % at greater depth 20%
Writing % at greater depth 21%
Spelling, punctuation and grammar % at greater depth 25%
Maths % at greater depth 21%
Combined reading, writing and maths % at greater depth 9%

KS1 outcomes 2019

KS1 Outcomes (teacher assessment)

Subject / Area 2019 Results
Arnhem Wharf
National Average
Year 1 phonics screening test 80% 82%
Reading % at expected 57% 75%
Reading % at greater depth 19%
Writing % at expected 63% 69%
Writing % at greater depth 7%
Maths % at expected 62% 76%
Maths % at greater depth 12%
Science 76% 82%

KS2 Outcomes 2019

Percentage of pupils working at or above the expected standard:

  2019 Results
Arnhem Wharf
National Average
Reading % at expected 71% 73%
Writing % at expected 75% 78%
Maths % at expected 81% 79%
Spelling, grammar and punctuation % at expected 80% 78%
Combined English and Maths % at expected 61% 65%
Percentage working at a higher standard in reading, writing and maths combined.  8% 11%
Average progress in Reading  -0.6 0
Average progress in Writing   -0.1 0
Average progress in Maths   +0.9 0
Average Scaled Score in Reading  103 104
Average Scaled Score in Maths  105 105

Department for Education Performance Tables

The data for Arnhem Wharf Primary School can be viewed and downloaded from the Department for Education. There were no SATs tests in 2020 and 2021 due to the Coronavirus pandemic.