Remote Learning
In rare circumstances, children will not be able to attend school. We try to provide the best possible support to those children to learn from home.
See government advice for parents supporting their children at home. See their website here.
Try to have a structured day (a timetable may help for some families), a specific working space and remember to have breaks and don't put too much pressure on yourselves (parents or children). Keep it simple and encourage your child in a positive way.
Please be aware that remote learning provision is limited when individual children are isolating. Teachers are teaching their classes in school full time, but will try their best to provide some learning. They may also provide links to online resources linked to the lessons. You can look for things yourself on the following websites:
Remember that children have their logins for Mathletics and Times Table Rockstars too.
Google Classroom and live teaching and learning
When will my child start remote learning?
Whenever your child is asked to isolate due to having Covid-19 symptoms, they can access some of the materials that are being used in school which teachers upload to Google Classroom. Only in the case of a bubble/class/school closure, comprehensive online learning is provided for children, via Google Classroom, starting the day after isolation begins. Below are the expectations for these situations.
What will my child learn?
Daily maths, reading and writing tasks are set, each day. One or two other subject will be provided per day, including activities by our specialist music, art, PE and DT teachers. We teach the same curriculum remotely as we would in school wherever possible (as set out in the topic letters for each term). Adaptations will be made, dependent on resourcing limitations, e.g. changing the science topic to something that can be done with items at home.
What teaching will be provided for my child?
When a whole bubble is isolating or school is closed to most children, the teachers host a morning and afternoon live teaching session by video conferencing on Google Meet. They discuss the learning for the day, take questions and provide feedback on the previous day. Teachers upload tasks for the day, most of which require the children to edit their own copy of a document with their own work. Teachers also spend time preparing resources for the next day, including some recorded video lessons where they talk the children through new concepts.
How will my child receive feedback?
Teachers will read all submitted work throughout the day and provide group feedback on the Google Classroom stream and address common misconceptions/mistakes in the afternoon live video session or (when appropriate) make individual comments on pieces of work. They may also invite a group of children to additional live sessions to support them with a lesson they are having difficulty with. The teachers also phone some families, including those who are having issues with getting online.
How long will the work take my child?
EYFS and KS1 should aim to spend 3 hours learning each day. KS2 children can expect to work 4 hours learning per day. We expect that children will spend about 3-5 hours learning each day, including the video call sessions with their teacher.
How will my child access remote learning?
All of the remote learning is done through Google Classroom. Every child has been given their login details. If you have any difficulty logging in, please check our help page and email if you still need assistance.
If you do not have a device to access the Internet, please contact the school immediately. Through the DfE laptop scheme (and buying even more), we have tried to provide for all families who need it.
What do parents need to do to support their children?
You may find it helpful for your child if you watch teaching videos or read instructions together - you should not need to teach your child anything. If your child has questions, you may wish to help them construct careful questions that can be asked by typing in the comments on the Google Classroom stream.
Additional support for children with additional needs
Children with EHCP plans and others with additional needs who are working at home will be contacted by phone regularly. Where appropriate, additional physical resources are provided to account for some children's learning styles. Specialist teachers who they work with will continue to provide work for them on Google Classroom and individually differentiated pieces of work are provided by the class teacher where necessary to allow these children to access the same curriculum as the rest of the class.
Extra learning resources
BBC Bitesize Lockdown Learning
Other fun activities
The priority each day should be the wide range of activities that are provided by our teaching staff, however, it is important that we look after our mental health by having fun and enjoying this time together at home where possible.
Six fun online activities to boost your child’s digital resilience