Support at Home

For support for your child from Tower Hamlets, please visit  for information.

If you have any concerns about the safety of a child and do not know who to contact, please contact the school office.

Family & Parenting Support

Family Information, Advice and Support Team Advice line 
Telephone - 020 7364 6489 (Mon – Fri 9.00 – 5.00pm)

Parental Engagement / Parenting Team 
Telephone - 020 7364 6398 (Mon- Fri 9.00 – 5.00pm)

Family Information Service 
Telephone - 020 7364 6495 (Mon- Fri 9.00 – 5.00pm) 

Language and Literacy Helpline from the Support for Learning Service
Telephone - 020 7364 6444

Parent and adult education courses 

As part of the Early Help and Children and Families Service, the Parenting and Adult Education (PAE) team coordinate courses, programmes and employment pathways for families with children from birth – 19 years old and up to 25 years for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). They focus on enabling early steps into parenting and education which includes:

  • increasing parenting understanding and knowledge
  • access to education and training
  • employability and good job opportunities

They offer access to a variety of courses and programmes which are delivered at your local Children and Family Centre on a termly basis.

If you would like to apply for a course please complete an online enquiry form via this link . Once completed and submitted your information will be sent to the PAE team to process and add to the relevant waiting list.

Parenting and adult education directory

Support for Children

Place2Be - For children or families who need to talk to someone,
Text CONNECT to 85258

Telephone - 0800 1111

CEOP - To report online safeguarding concerns

Keeping your child safe online - see our page with information and links.

Also see the government's page on online safety. 

National Autistic Society Advice

This advice from the National Autistic Society is very useful for families of children with autism and some parts could also be helpful to all of us during this period of social distancing and isolation.

Tips for families


Tower Hamlets Healthy Lives

Check out the Healthy Lives publication with lots of advice on things to do with your child, how to deal with anxiety and stress (adults and children) and other news and resources.


Young Carers 

A young carer is a person aged 18 or under who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member. This can include, but is not limited to, a person with:

  • A long term illness or condition
  • A physical or learning disability
  • A substance misuse problem
  • A mental health problem

For more information on how to get support for a young carer contact:
07923 242449
0207 364 7293/4091

How To Identify a Young Carer


Free legal advise for victims of domestic abuse

University House Legal Advice Centre is one of the oldest legal advice agencies in London, founded in 1941. The Legal Advice Centre provides free specialist advice in family law clinics and in community settings, supporting vulnerable families at risk of severe financial hardship and domestic abuse.

They provide face to face advice, support, and casework with the following:

  • Welfare Benefit advice including benefit appeals (Employment and Support Allowance, Universal Credit, Personal Independence Payment), debt, housing, and employment.
  • Assist with preventing homelessness (there is a specialist in-house Housing team)
  • Domestic abuse issues including applying for non-molestation orders, occupation orders, child arrangement orders, divorce and separation, property adjustment orders and home rights.

The Legal Advice Centre provides outreach sessions in different settings within the community.

Please contact Shamsun Ali on 

Alternatively you can call our office on 020 3606 0372 

The Legal Advice Centre also have an online portal where referrals can be made from other agencies and this can be found on our website