School Lunch

School meals are free currently for all children from Reception to Year 6.

Please complete the online checker for statutory free school meals and pupil premium. At the moment, Reception to Year 6 get free meals but through different schemes, depending on your circumstances. If you qualify for statutory free school meals, the school will usually receive extra pupil premium funding, which helps us buy resources or employ more staff.

Nursery meals must be paid for online - you will be given details of how to log into our payment system. If you think your Nursery child is entitled to free school meals, please apply at the link above.

Meals are cooked on the premises and children have a choice of menus including vegetarian options, salad and a choice of hot dishes.  All meat is halal.  Please let us know if your child has any special dietary requirements.  You may choose to provide your child with packed lunches.  If you do these need to be nutritionally well-balanced and should not include sweets, chocolate, crisps or drinks as all children are provided with water or milk at lunchtime.  We have to provide our caterers with the number of school meals required in advance, each half term.  Therefore children are only allowed to change their choice between having school meals or packed lunches at half-term.

We are a healthy school and take every opportunity to promote healthy lifestyles.  We provide fruit for Nursery, Reception and Key Stage 1 children to eat at playtimes.  Children in Key Stage 2 are encouraged to bring fruit to school for playtime.  Children have access to water throughout the day.

For information about free school meals, please click here.


Hot meal menu



Please click below to view the following:

School Meals Information for Parents from September 2023
Healthy Eating Policy
Food Standards Agency Allergen Leaflet