
It is extremely important that children attend school every day and don't miss out on any of their learning. They need to learn so much these days that just one lesson missed in a subject like Maths can make catching up difficult for children. This can cause distress and set them back further. We are happy that attendance at Arnhem Wharf is continuing to improve and we enjoy celebrating the classes that do the best each week in assemblies.

Thank you to parents and carers for getting the children here every day on time, giving them the best chance to succeed.

Extended Leave (Holidays)

Parents are asked to arrange their family holidays within the school holidays, rather than in term time, so that their child’s education is not disrupted.  The school uses the Tower Hamlets guidance on extended leave.  A parent is expected to request permission to take their child on extended leave and this is very rarely granted except in cases with exceptional circumstances.  Parents are informed of the school’s policy on extended leave, and the AWA will follow up on families who take leave, and a Fixed Penalty warning may be issued.


Tower Hamlets Attendance & Welfare

Tower Hamlets Council has an attendance and welfare service which works with pupils up to the age of 16, alongside schools, parents, carers and other public services and voluntary agencies. Our school has an allocated Attendance and Welfare Advisor (AWA) who supports parents and carers to monitor and improve there child’s/children’s attendance.

If you would like to find out more about the service, please visit the Tower Hamlets Website.