Archived News
- 12th Apr: Brush Up Your Skills
- 19th Mar: Somali Covid-19 vaccine webinar
- 16th Mar: Tower Hamlets Annual Parent Conference
- 15th Mar: Holiday Childcare Easter Scheme
- 4th Mar: Rapid lateral flow testing for households
- 4th Mar: Secondary School Place Appeals
- 25th Feb: Chinese New Year
- 25th Feb: Every Child Online
- 8th Feb: Covid vaccine helpline
- 25th Jan: Tower Hamlets Holiday Childcare
- 20th Jan: EYFS Nativity Songs
- 18th Dec: Year 6 Christmas Video
- 18th Dec: Year 5 Christmas Video
- 17th Dec: Year 3 Christmas Poem
- 17th Dec: Key Stage 1 Nativity
- 23rd Nov: Barclays Fund Raising
- 20th Nov: Shakespeare Schools Festival
- 12th Nov: Autism Coffee Morning
- 10th Nov: Joining Arnhem Wharf
- 22nd Oct: EHCP Workshops
- 7th Oct: Tower Hamlets Q&A Session
- 7th Jul: Tower Hamlets Holiday Childcare
- 6th Jul: Year 6 video
- 29th Jun: Year 5 secondary application workshops
- 29th Jun: A message from Children's Services
- 29th Jun: SEND Secondary Transition Workshops
- 25th Jun: Virtual Autism Coffee Mornings
- 17th Jun: Calling all dads
- 12th Jun: A message to EYFS children
- 11th Jun: Early Years Tour
- 8th Jun: Reading Video
- 28th Apr: Science Week - Day 2
- 28th Apr: Free Coronavirus Book for Children
- 27th Apr: Science Week
- 24th Apr: Virtual Easter Bonnet Parade
- 4th Mar: Plastic Action Day
- 2nd Mar: Chickens!
- 27th Feb: COVID-19 Awareness
- 7th Feb: London Primary Urban Debate League
- 10th Jan: Celebrating the Class of 2019
- 18th Dec: Carol Singing
- 6th Dec: Coriander Class Assembly
- 29th Nov: Gilwell Park Video
- 18th Nov: Shakespeare Schools Festival
- 14th Nov: Bowling competition
- 6th Nov: Mustard Class Assembly
- 4th Nov: School Council Elections
- 30th Oct: Vanilla Class Assembly
- 30th Oct: Year 4 Migration Workshop
- 19th Sep: School Council present their petition
- 11th Sep: Vegetable garden
- 10th Jul: Clove Class Assembly
- 7th Jun: Burnet News Club - Published
- 31st May: Year 4 performance - The Pied Piper
- 20th May: Dragons' Den
- 15th May: Easter Bonnet Parade
- 13th May: STEM Week 2019
- 9th May: Year 1 London Zoo trip
- 19th Mar: Sally Grindley - Author Visit
- 14th Mar: Helen Cooper - author visit
- 6th Mar: Year 1 Bedtime Story Party
- 15th Feb: Half Term competition
- 8th Feb: Safer Internet Day
- 8th Feb: Chamomile Assembly
- 8th Feb: Chinese New Year
- 5th Feb: School Debates
- 29th Jan: Isle of Dogs Cross Country
- 24th Jan: Christmas Performance Highlights
- 11th Jan: The Daily Mile
- 23rd Nov: Gilwell Park 2018
- 22nd Nov: Shakespeare - The Tempest
- 20th Nov: Big Draw 2018
- 14th Nov: NSPCC Wear Green Day
- 12th Nov: School Football Tournament
- 27th Sep: Whitechapel Gallery Exhibition
- 26th Sep: Shakespeare Schools Foundation
- 26th Sep: Basil - Architecture Project
- 14th Sep: 2018 Year 6 leavers
- 10th Sep: Whitechapel Gallery Art Installation
- 12th Jul: Year 6 Sailing
- 26th Jun: Year 1 trips - Tower of London
- 14th May: STEM Week
- 19th Apr: Card Design Competition Winners
- 19th Apr: London Symphony Orchestra
- 17th Apr: Aniseed Assembly
- 23rd Mar: Tower Hamlets Primary Film Festival
- 21st Mar: Cinnamon Class Assembly
- 20th Mar: Tamarind Assembly
- 13th Mar: Book Week Photos and videos
- 7th Mar: Star Anise Assembly
- 7th Feb: Safer Internet Day
- 5th Feb: Ice Skating Video
- 1st Feb: Mustard Class Assembly
- 29th Jan: Year 6 Sketch a Henry Moore Sculpture
- 22nd Jan: KS1 Christmas performances
- 17th Jan: Saffron Class Assembly
- 15th Jan: KS2 Christmas Performance Videos
- 22nd Dec: Christmas Performances
- 20th Dec: Christmas Fair 2017
- 19th Dec: Burnet News Club Report
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